Reducing Youth Tobacco Use
During the month of April 2022 , students throughout Napa County will lead events in their schools to expose Big Tobacco and advocate against the companies targeting youth to become replacement users. The tobacco industry uses advertisement to ensure that their products are seen by youth. With our #YouthAgainstVaping, Napa youth will take their power back and ensure their reasons to #TakeDownTobacco is heard!
Learn more at Take Down Tobacco.
The Napa County Office of Education serves as the Tobacco Use Prevention Education coordinator for the county. The purpose of the TUPE program is to reduce youth tobacco use by helping students make healthful tobacco-related decisions through tobacco specific educational instruction and activities that build knowledge as well as social skills and youth development assets. The Napa County Office of Education provides technical assistance to school districts to develop and implement effective, comprehensive tobacco education programs. Training and technical assistance includes provide Tobacco Free School Certifications and the following supports.
- NCOE Catalyst Coalition – Up-Valley Partnership for Youth
- The Napa County Office of Education works in collaboration with community organizations throughout the valley to address youth tobacco and substance use. In 2005, the Catalyst Coalition was formed to grapple with the higher than average substance use rates in the County. Since then, the partnerships have deepened as the Coalition continues to meet regularly. The Napa County Office of Education currently partners with the UpValley Family Centers to address the harms of underage drinking and access to alcohol.
- Aldea Children & Family Services (external website, new window)
- Friday Night Live (external website, new window)
- Napa County Health & Human Services (external website, new window)
- Up Valley Family Centers (external website, new window)
Students who participate in NCOE Prevention Health & Wellness Youth Development programs are given the opportunity to engage in the following activities: training by NCOE staff about alcohol, tobacco & other drug prevention, Participate in Peer-to-Peer Education to design and deliver school campaigns such as: Red ribbon week, Take Down Tobacco, Alcohol Awareness Month, Healthy Relationships Month/Anti Bullying, Mental Health Awareness Month. Students create media literacy campaigns, highlighting deceptive media practices and educating on the dangers of tobacco and e cigs. Existing TUPE efforts: Mariposa. NCOE also works together with LGBTQ Connection (external website, new window) and school districts to strengthen gay alliance clubs and engage them in tobacco and e cigs education and advocacy efforts.
The Napa County Office of Education is the technical assistance coordinator for the statewide Tobacco-Use Prevention Education (TUPE) Program. This grant provides funds to local education agencies for tobacco use prevention, intervention, and cessation programs. The Napa County Office of Education ensures that every middle and high school class receives critical information about making healthy lifestyle choices and avoiding the use of tobacco and other substances.
Catch My Breath
The Napa County Office of Education provides Catch My Breath (external website, new window) to all middle and high schools in Napa County. This evidence-based youth vaping-prevention program is delivered to students in grades 6-10. The program structure consists of 4 lessons that use the following Educational Strategies:
- Social emotional learning (SEL)
- Peer-facilitated cooperative learning groups
- Large-group discussions
- Analysis of mass media
- Goal setting
Stanford Prevention Toolkits
The NCOE TUPE program also utilizes the theory-based and evidence-informed Stanford Tobacco Prevention Toolkit and Marijuana Prevention and Awareness toolkit in our classrooms. These programs provide current information to address vaping, smokeless tobacco and hookah use.
- Stanford Tobacco and Marijuana Toolkit (external website, new window)
- NCOE Tobacco Parent Education Video – ENGLISH (external website, new window)
- NCOE Tobacco Parent Education Video – SPANISH (external website, new window)
Project Ex Tobacco Cessation Training
Project Ex is an evidence based tobacco and vaping use cessation program for youth ages 14-19. Young tobacco users are likely to continue using into adulthood. Project Ex consists of 8 sessions, each 40-45 minutes in length to be delivered in a 6-week period that provide strategies to quit, minimize withdrawal symptoms, and skills to maintain being tobacco-free. Students who have used tobacco and/or vaping products in the last 30 days can self-refer or be referred by their school and will not be required to quit until sessions 4-6. For more information, please contact the Program Manager.
Teen Quit Vaping/Smoking Program – PDF
Register for the Teen Quit Program
Napa County Office of Education works closely with school districts throughout the county to develop tailored tobacco and vaping protocols as part of the Tobacco-Use Prevention Education Program.
Smoking/Vaping & Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Printable Infographic (new window)
- Tobacco & Vaping Protocol – NVUSD Example PDF (new window)
- Tobacco Device Flow Chart – NVUSD Example
- California Smokers’ HelpLine: Free services for teens and adults, including self-help materials and one-on-one counseling. Services are available in multiple languages. Contra Costa County folks can dial 2-1-1 for direct referrals.
See 2-1-1 Flyer. - English: 1.800.NO BUTTS | (1.800.662.8887)
- Spanish: 1.800.45 NO FUME | (1.800.456-6386)
- Chew Tobacco: 1.800.844.CHEW | (1-800-844-2439)
- Smart Phone Apps: NCI QuitPal, QuitSTART, QuitGuide
- Smokefree TXT Support for Teens: Text QUIT to iQuit (47848)

This virtual quit kit provides resources, tips, and tools to help you prepare for this single best decision you can make for your health!
Printable Digital Quit Kit (new window)
NCOE Tobacco Parent Education Video – ENGLISH
NCOE Tobacco Parent Education Video – SPANISH
- CDE Tobacco Free School District Certification (external website, new window)
- Tobacco Free CA (external website, new window)