Group of diverse educators

NCOE is proud to offer a local process through which individuals possessing a California Preliminary Administrative Services credential or Certificate of Eligibility (CE) can clear their credential as required by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). This program offers support through a two-year, job-embedded, individualized system of coaching and professional development based on the California Professional Standards for Education Leadership (CPSEL). Induction is the next step in maintaining a leadership role that is focused on continuous growth and student achievement, helping the candidate to become an effective administrator.

Admittance Requirements

  • Possess either a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential or Certificate of Eligibility
  • Verification of employment in an administrative position that requires an Administrative Services Credential

Note: Enrollment into an administrative induction program is expected upon placement into an administrative position , but no later than one year from the activation of your preliminary credential.

Program Requirements (Coursework and Completion)

  • Attend an Administrative Induction Orientation meeting (outlining the components of the program)
  • Attend required induction sessions.
  • Meet with assigned Induction coach for a minimum of 40 hours per year for support with developing leadership competencies
  • Design and implement an Individual Induction Plan (IIP)
  • Complete 20 hours of professional learning related to your IIP each program year.
  • Formatively Self-Assess a minimum of three times on your level of competence in the CPSELs. (Initial/Mid-program/End of year 2)
    • Year 2 Candidates who start a new position or transfer from a different induction program will be required to self-assess twice in Year 2. (Beginning of year 2 and end of year 2)
  • Record and collect evidence of growth in the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL) through inquiry, observation, and self-assessment on the Individual Induction Plan.
  • Demonstrate mastery of each of the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL) in front of an exit interview panel composed of various stakeholders
  • Upon completion of the program candidates must submit a verification letter confirming two years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position
    • Once a candidate has completed 2 years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position and has fulfilled all program requirements, the program manager will make a recommendation for the candidate to receive a Clear Administrative Service credential to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC)
NCOE Program HandbookThe Napa County Clear Administrative Services Credential Induction Program Grievance Process is available to any currently enrolled candidate, coach, or supervisor who may choose to submit concerns or questions regarding program policy or procedures. Specifically, the Grievance Policy outlines criteria in the following areas:

  • Eligibility for Enrollment
  • Candidate Work Requirements
  • Candidate Exit Interview
  • Coach/Candidate Match

A general overview of the Grievance Process can be found below and the form is available HERE (external website, new window).
For a more detailed description, please visit the Program Handbook (Page 19)

What are the enrollment prerequisites for the Clear Administrative Services Credential Program
Possess either a Preliminary Administrative Services Credential or Certificate of Eligibility, and you must be employed in a position that requires an Administrative Services Credential.

How long does it take to complete the program?
This is a coaching based program conducted over two academic years.

How much does the program cost?
The cost of the program is currently being determined but will be posted before the expected implementation of the program in the fall of 2025.

When does the program begin?
The induction enrollment period typically runs from July to September, with registration closing on October 1st of the participating year. New cohorts begin in the Fall of each academic year. Candidates will be matched with a coach within 30 days of enrollment in the program, with the expectation to attend a program Orientation meeting. (Please reference our calendar of sessions for exact dates.) Mid-year enrollment may be possible on a case-by-case basis. Please contact the program manager with any questions you may have.

How do I get started?
Submit an online application with a copy of your Preliminary Administrative Services Credential. The application can be found on the CASC website: (external website, new window) or in the NCOE CASC handbook.

Does my supervisor get reports on my progress/work quality in the program?
No – Induction activities between coach and candidate are considered confidential as well as all evidence submitted to the program for the purpose of meeting requirements for the Professional Clear Credential. All employment decisions are handled by your Human Resources department and are separate from the induction program. However, the state does require candidates to receive input from their supervisor or designee on their annual goals to demonstrate professional growth. You will share your Individualized Induction Plan (IIP) goals with your supervisor during a meeting after your initial plan is developed each program year.

What happens if I am no longer employed in my current position at the end of Year 1 ? Will my induction work transfer ?
If you complete Year 1 of induction but leave your position, we will provide you with a document that demonstrates you have completed one year of the program. This document is transferrable and accepted by all CTC Commission approved induction programs.

What happens if NCOE no longer offers its CASC program?
Once a candidate is enrolled in the NCOE CASC program, the program will continue to provide direct support to the candidate until the candidate completes, is dropped from, or transfers out of the program. Should the program close, we will initiate a teach-out plan to ensure the candidate can continue the program as designed until completion. We will continue to provide the support outlined in the Candidate Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The candidate’s progress will be monitored by a designated Advisory Board member, who will be responsible for scheduling completion exercises outlined in the program requirements, such as the exit interview and review of evidence.

Where are candidate records kept and how can I access them?
Candidate records relating to completion of program requirements, credentials, documentation of work related to the candidate’s IIP, or other program activities will be kept in a locked cabinet in the program office for a minimum of seven years. Candidates can access records by contacting the Program Manager.

What are the requirements for completion?
Candidates must:

  1. Attend an Administrative Induction Orientation meeting and all required induction sessions.
  2. Meet with assigned Induction coach for a minimum of 40 hours per year for support with developing leadership competencies.
  3. Design and implement an Individual Induction Plan (IIP).
  4. Complete 20 hours of professional learning related to your IIP each program year.
  5. Formatively Self-Assess a minimum of three times on your level of competence in the CPSELs. (Initial/Mid-program/End of year 2)
  6. Year 2 Candidates who start a new position or transfer from a different induction program will be required to self-assess twice in Year 2. (Beginning of year 2 and end of year 2)
  7. Record and collect evidence of growth in the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL) through inquiry, observation, and self-assessment on the Individual Induction Plan.
  8. Demonstrate mastery of each of the California Professional Standards for Education Leaders (CPSEL) in front of an exit interview panel composed of various stakeholders.
  9. Upon completion of the program candidates must submit a verification letter confirming two years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position.
  10. Once a candidate has completed 2 years of successful experience in a full-time administrative position and has fulfilled all program requirements, the program manager will make a recommendation for the candidate to receive a Clear Administrative Service credential to the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC).

How am I assigned a Coach?
Induction program staff works with the employer and site supervisory staff to collaborate on the most effective coach match. Several factors are considered, including:

  • Coaches who possess similar background experiences to that of each candidate. For example, match a coach with elementary experience with a candidate placed at an elementary site or a coach with urban experience with a candidate placed in an urban setting. While similar experience is preferred, it may not always be possible due to availability and/or candidate job-site location
  • Administrative experience
  • Working knowledge of both leadership standards (CPSEL) and the developmental stages of leadership

If a candidate has a preferred coach match, they may share this interest with staff for consideration. Coach matches are made within 30 days of candidate enrollment to insure appropriate support. If a coach match is not ideal, either candidate or coach may initiate file a grievance for review. The grievance policy, procedures, and form are provided on page 25 of this handbook.

I participated in a CASC program before but did not complete the program, what do I do?
You will need to contact the program you were previously enrolled in to obtain a letter of verification detailing the completed components of the program. This record should be shared with our Program Assistant, Lambert Chambers-Hernandez (, and submitted with your application for enrollment.

Who do I contact with questions?
For further information, contact: Ron Eick at (707)-259-5921 or

Please visit our program website: website, new window)
Our website has additional information and resources to support candidates and coaches.

Main Office Info.





8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


Napa County Office of Education (main)
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA 94559

NCOE Website Privacy Policy
Napa County Office of Education | Copyright 2018

Program Locations

Napa County Office of Education
2121 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA  94559

Research & Professional Development Center
1450 Technology Lane, Suite 200
Petaluma, CA  94954

Napa Infant Program
1511 Myrtle Avenue
Napa, CA  94558

Napa Preschool Program
74 Wintun Court
Napa, CA 94559

Camille Creek Community School
2097 Imola Avenue
Napa, CA 94559 

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