There are three ways students can be dually enrolled and earn early college credit at Napa Valley College. See the Dual Enrollment Handbook for more information:
Outlines are organized by industry sector and pathway. Click on the name of the course to access the outline.
- Level 1: Agricultural Biology (UC biology ‘d’ lab credit) – PDF (new window)
- Level 2: Agriculture and Soil Chemistry (UC chemistry ‘d’ lab credit)
Animal Science
- Level 2: Animal Science (UC ‘d’ lab credit) – PDF (new window)
- Level 3: Veterinary Science (UC ‘d’ lab credit, ‘g’ elective credit)
Design, Visual, and Media Arts
Digital Design
- Level 1: Intermediate Graphic Design (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
- Level 2: Advanced Digital Design Lab (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
Multimedia Productions
- Level 1: Multimedia Productions 1 (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
- Level 2: Advanced Multimedia Productions (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
Cabinetry, Millwork, and Woodworking
- Level 1: Woodworking I (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 2: Wood Design & Sculpture (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
- Level 2: Cabinetmaking (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
Residential and Commercial Construction
- Level 1: Construction Technology I (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 2: Construction Technology II (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 3: Construction Technology III (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
Business Management
- Level 1: Business (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 2: Business & Entrepreneurship (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 1: Choices: College & Career (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 2: Business Management and Entrepreneurship (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 1: Careers in Education (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
Energy and Power Technology
- Level 1: Physics of Alternative Energy (UC physics ‘d’ lab credit)
- Level 2: Chemistry of Alternative Energy (UC chemistry ‘d’ lab credit)
Engineering Technology
- Level 1: Principles of Engineering – Robotics (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 2: Engineering and Architectural Design (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
- Level 1: Biology for Biotechnology (UC biology ‘d’ lab credit)
- Level 2: Biotechnology (H) (UC Honors biology ‘d’ lab credit)
Patient Care
Medical Science
- Level 1: Medical Biology (UC biology ‘d’ lab)
- Level 2: Human Anatomy & Medicine (UC ‘g’ elective)
Sports Medicine
- Level 1: Sports Medicine 1 (UC biology ‘d’ lab credit)
- Level 2: Sports Medicine 2 (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 3: Sports Medicine 3 (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
Food Service and Hospitality
- Level 1: Culinary Arts (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 2: Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
Software and Systems Development
- Level 1: Design and Computer Science (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 2: Exploring Computer Science (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
- Level 3: CS – Inventioneering (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
Graphic Production Technologies
- Level 1: Graphic Design and Printing Arts Intro (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
- Level 2: Advanced Graphic Design and Printing Arts (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
Machining and Forming Technologies
- Level 1: Manufacturing and Product Development 1 (UC ‘f’ fine arts credit)
- Level 2: Manufacturing and Product Development 2 (UC ‘g’ elective credit)
A library of projects and printable project cards done by teachers for teachers. Project cards are meant to inspire others. Feel free to use a project, change it, modify it to your desire.

Project Card – PDF (new window)
10-12th Physics
10-12th Advanced Culinary
Project Card – PDF (new window)
10-12th Human Anatomy and Medicine
California Career Center (external website, new window)
Career planning website with tools to help you map your future.
California Career Zone (external website, new window)
Take an interest assessment and start exploring careers based on your interests.
California Career Zone Interest Profiler (En Espanol) (external website, new window)
Career Stop Videos (external website, new window)
Videos showing the types of work people do in nearly 550 careers, organized by 16 career clusters.
Career Stop Videos (En Espanol) (external website, new window)
Jobs Made Real (external website, new window)
Discover Your Career Path–By Teens for Teens
Roadtrip Nation (external website, new window)
Define your own road in life!
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Career Exploration (external website, new window)
Access lots of information about many jobs. Grade 4-12
Who do you want 2b? (external website, new window)
Learn about different career fields and find out “Who you want to be!”
California Career Center (external website, new window)
Your career planning website with tools to help you map your future.
California Career Planning Guide – ENGLISH | SPANISH (external website, new window)
Helping people of all ages plan their futures.
California Occupational Guide (external website, new window)
Start your California career exploration today!
High School Career Exploration (external website, new window)
Industry Sectors (external website, new window)
Explore careers by California’s 15 industry sectors.
Jobs Made Real (external website, new window)
Discover Your Career Path–By Teens for Teens
Make Money Choices (external website, new window)
How much do you need to earn in the future for the lifestyle you want? Find out here!
Medical Assistant Certification (external website, new window)
A site dedicate to connecting students with everything they need to begin a career in medical assisting. This page sets out to answer: How do I choose a program? How do I pay for school? Where should I work?
My Future (external website, new window)
Figure out what’s next.
My Next Move (external website, new window)
What do you want to do for a living?
Occupational Outlook Handbook (external website, new window)
The Nation′s premier source for career information!
Women in Cryptocurrency and Blockchain (external website, new window)
Resources for women in high school, college, and beyond to get into crypto and blockchain.
International Service Opportunities (external website, new window)
A list of groups and organizations providing a variety of international service opportunities with options for middle and high school ages.
Napa Valley CanDo (external website, new window)
Brings together people from all over the Napa Valley who want to help our communities thrive through volunteerism and community action.
Teens Connect (external website, new window)
Supports, engages, and empowers teens through programs centered around art and wellness, peer support, and volunteer projects.
Volunteer Napa (external website, new window)
Connecting people who care with people in need. The employees and volunteers of CVNL Volunteer Napa have connected caring individuals to people who need help for over 40 years.
Volunteen Nation (external website, new window)
A website led by teen and young adults that offers volunteer opportunities, information, and other resources. The site is searchable by location, age, and interest.
Volunteer Match (external website, new window)
Look at volunteer opportunities near Napa with tailored search and filtering options.
Build California (external website, new window)
There are 250+ accredited apprenticeship and college degree programs across the state. Find one that’s right for you.
California (external website, new window)
Working together to build a better California.
Best Colleges resource (external website, new window)
Best Colleges in California (external website, new window) (external website, new window)
The official source for college and career planning.
California State University Mentor (external website, new window)
CSUMentor is a website designed to help students and their families learn about the CSU system.
CCC Apply (external website, new window)
Your online gateway to the California Community Colleges.
CCC Apply (En Espanol) (external website, new window)
El centro estatal de solicitud de ingreso en linea a colegios communitarios de California
Medical Assistant Certification (external website, new window)
A site dedicate to connecting students with everything they need to begin a career in medical assisting. This page sets out to answer: How do I choose a program? How do I pay for school? Where should I work?
Napa Valley College (external website, new window)
Our local community college. Take classes while still in high school and get college credit!
University HQ: Planning for College Tips and Advice Guide (external website, new window)
A free educational resource helping students prepare for college.
Association for Career Technical Education (ACTE) (external website, new window)
ACTE is the largest national education association dedicated to the advancement of education that prepares youth and adults for careers.
California Association of Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (CAROCP) (external website, new window)
ROCPs are designed to provide quality career preparation and technical education.
California Department of Education CTE (external website, new window)
A program study that involves a multi-year sequence of CareerTechnical Education courses that integrates core academic knowledge with technical and occupational knowledge to provide students with a pathway to post-secondary education and careers.
California Department of Education CTE Model Curriculum Standards (external website, new window)
The new CTE curriculum standards are available for download as a PDF file by industry sector at the bottom of this page or visit the California Department of Education website for other resources relating to the new model curriculum standards.
California Industrial and Technology Education Association (CITEA) (external website, new window)
CITEA promotes and supports Industrial Technology Education, Vocational Education, and Regional Occupational Programs, ITE teachers, students, administrators and programs throughout the State of California, through teacher training, professional communication, and advocacy.
CTE Online (external website, new window)
Your single destination for model curriculum, resources, tools and community.
California Career Technical Education Student Organizations (CA-CTSO) (external website, new window)
California student leadership organizations.
Global CTE Toolkit (external website, new window)
This toolkit provides resources including: sample projects ready to be used in CTE classrooms, global career planning resources, workforce readiness rubrics, crosswalks of global education and CTE standards, global career profile videos, talking points, and more.
US Career Technical Education Student Organizations (US-CTSO) (external website, new window)
National student leadership organizations.
Entrepreneurship – National Consortium for Entrepreneurship Education (external website, new window)
National standards for entrepreneurship and additional resources for teachers to use in building appropriate objectives, learning activities, and assessments relating to entrepreneurship.
HP LIFE eLearning (external website, new window)
Free online training program helps emerging entrepreneurs gain real-life IT and business skills needed to start or grow your business, in your own time, at your own pace. The courses are interactive and full of information and practical exercises that will give you the skills to meet the business challenges you face.
Social Entrepreneurship: 7 Ways to Empower Student Changemakers (external website, new window)
Tap into students’ heartbreak to discover how they want to change the world, and the power of social media will launch them toward great accomplishments.
Jr. Achievement (external website, new window)
Junior Achievement is the world’s largest organization dedicated to educating students in grades K-12 about entrepreneurship, work readiness, and financial literacy through experiential, hands-on programs.
Virtual Enterprise International (external website, new window)
With an emphasis on college and career readiness, VEI is an in-school, live, global business simulation that offers students a competitive edge through project-based, collaborative learning and the development of 21st-century skills in entrepreneurship, global business, problem solving, communication, personal finance, and technology.
Academic Earth (external website, new window)
A comprehensive collection of free online college courses from the world’s top universities, giving people the opportunity to learn a whole host of topics at their own pace.
Adobe Education Exchange (external website, new window)
Get instant access to free courses, workshops, & teaching materials and connect with the creative education community.
Austin’s Butterfly (external website, new window)
Video of student critique and peer feedback.
Canva (external website, new window)
Beautiful, easy-to-use templates for designing posters, menus, infographics, and more. Help make projects engaging and relevant by having students use Canva to make authentic products.
CASEL (external website, new window)
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. Mission is to help make social and emotional learning (SEL) an integral part of education from preschool through high school. Lot’s of great resources with specifics for College and Career Readiness.
Common Sense Media: Digital Bytes (external website, new window)
Digital Bytes teaches teens digital citizenship through student-directed, media-rich activities that tackle real-world dilemmas.
Digital Citizenship Curriculum (external website, new window)
Information and resources for teaching digital citizenship in the classroom.
Edutopia (external website, new window)
George Lucas invested in making a difference in education to help truly engage students and inspire them to become active, lifelong learners. He created a foundation to identify and spread innovative, replicable and evidence-based approaches to helping K-12 students learn better.
GetEdFunding (external website, new window)
Free grant-finding resource hosting thousands of education, classroom, and teacher grants.
Google Certification (external website, new window)
Become a Google Certified Educator.
Google Search Education (external website, new window)
With the materials on this site, you can help your students become skilled Google searchers.
Khan Academy (external website, new window)
Free lessons from arithmetic to physics; learn at your own pace, for free. Extensive lessons, video library, interactive challenges, and assessments from any computer with access to the Web.
KQED Education (external website, new window)
Multimedia content, student activities, and PD tools to help create a 21st century classroom.
Medical Assistant Certification (external website, new window)
A site dedicate to connecting students with everything they need to begin a career in medical assisting. This page sets out to answer: How do I choose a program? How do I pay for school? Where should I work?
Nepris (external website, new window)
Bring industry partners from around the world into your classroom digitally.
O*Net (external website, new window)
Career exploration tools.
PBS Learning Media (external website, new window)
Bring your classroom to life with PBS. Access 87K+ free digital resources that transform learning.
PBL Planning Resources (external website, new window)
Project-Based Learning planning resources from High Tech High in San Diego.
Project Management Institute Education Foundation Resources (external website, new window)
Learning resources from the Project Management Institute Education Foundation for teaching and using Project Management.
Students Rebuild (external website, new window)
A ready-made adventure in global learning for K-12 students that calls on their thinking, creativity, and compassion—and it’s free and flexible enough to teach however you choose.
Teacher Resource Center (external website, new window)
Free classroom supply store for teachers.
Teacher Tube (external website, new window)
Provides an online community for sharing instructional videos where teachers teach teachers.
Teaching Channel (external website, new window)
Thriving online community where teachers can watch, share, and learn diverse techniques to help every student grow.
TED: Ideas worth spreading (external website, new window)
TED Talks, Ted-Ed videos, and more.
Learning ABOUT work • Learning THROUGH work • Learning FOR work
Workshops Offered
Career readiness workshops provide students with the tools and skills for a successful future in their chosen career. These workshops are available to all students at American Canyon High School, Napa High School, St. Helena High School, and Vintage High School. Teachers interested in having their students participate in these workshops should contact their local Work-Based Learning Specialist.
Available Workshops
- Career Exploration
- Job Search/Application
- Cover Letter & Thank You’s
- Resumes
- Interviewing
- Social Media
- Work Ethic
- Financial Literacy
Specialized Services for CTE Pathway Students
Career Technical Education Pathways allow students to explore their interests and create a better future for themselves through hands-on, real world learning. Authentic projects and skills prepare students for college, career, and life. Students in CTE pathways have access to specialized work-based learning experiences such as:
- Career Exploration
- Career Preparation
- Company Tours
- Job Shadows
- Mentorships
Connecting Teachers to Businesses
Work-based learning connects both students and teachers to businesses in a variety of ways. Below are ways in which we are connecting educators with businesses and employers to enhance students’ learning experiences and college and career preparedness.
Connecting With Businesses
- Advisory Committee
- Guest Speakers
- Teacher Externships
- Presentation Panelists
- Career Mentors
- Clients for a Project
- Virtual Presentations
- Job Shadows
- Project Collaboration
- Technical Advice