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Tools, guidelines, and examples for creating DEI policies and procedures and for measuring their effectiveness.

Page iconArticles & Documents
Independent compositions published as part of a collection, such as a journals, newspapers, or websites. Documents other than articles or books (e.g., reports, text files, checklists, slides).

Achievement Gap and the Discipline Gap: Two Sides of the Same Coin?
Educational Researcher
Synthesizes research on racial and ethnic patterns in school sanctions and considers how disproportionate discipline might contribute to lagging achievement among students of color.

Addressing Inequity in Special Education: An Integrated Framework for Culturally Responsive Social Emotional Practice
Psychology in the Schools
Presents an overview of literature related to school- and teacher-based factors that contribute to issues of disproportionality related to social-emotional challenges and emotional disturbance. Concludes with a recommendation for an integrated framework of culturally responsive practice and social-emotional learning as an approach to target these factors.

Addressing Root Causes of Disparities in School Discipline: Educator’s Action Planning Guide
National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
Guide and related tools for assessing and systematically addressing disparities in school discipline. Describes how to carry out a descriptive analysis of disparities and how to conduct a root cause analysis..

Advancing Equity in an Era of Crisis: Conversations for Administrators, Teachers, Parents, and Para-Educators About Ways to Best Serve Every Student During the COVID-19 Pandemic
California Association of African American Superintendents and Administrators
Recommendations for school stakeholders to assist effective education during the pandemic, especially for students of color.

American Bar Association Joint Task Force on Reversing the School-to-Prison Pipeline Preliminary Report
University of Florida Levin College of Law
An analysis of national and regional data finds that students of color, students with disabilities, and LGBTQ students are disproportionately underserved along the educational pipeline from preschool to juvenile justice. Lists recommendations to overcome the disparity via joint efforts of educators, law enforcement, and juvenile judges.

Annotated Checklist for Addressing Racial Disproportionality in Special Education
Daniel Losen
This CDE-approved self-assessment tool provides three checklists that address 1) district and school resource issues; 2) system policy, procedure, and practice issues at district, school, and classroom levels; and 3) environmental factors, all designed to aid in efforts to identify possible root causes of disproportionality and to help districts develop hypotheses and action plans for more detailed explorations of racial disproportionality.

Applying Positive Behavioral Support and Functional Behavioral Assessment in Schools
OSEP Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support
Discusses how educators can apply positive behavioral support to students with and without disabilities and conduct functional behavioral assessments.

Assessment of School Practices Related to Inclusive Education
Stetson & Associates, Inc.
A school action plan template for assessing current practices, analyzing school data regarding LRE and academic performance, and identifying steps to improve support and Reading and Math academic performance of students with disabilities in the general classroom.

Back to the Future: A Critique of Response to Intervention’s Social Justice Views
Theory Into Practice
Discusses social justice views that permeate Response To Intervention (RTI); proposes revisiting RTI’s anticipated future through refinement of the social justice perspectives used in the literature.

Beyond Suspensions: Examining School Discipline Policies and Connections to the School-to-Prison Pipeline for Students of Color with Disabilities
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
Report finds persistent racial disparities in disciplinary rates and disparities based on disability status. Available literature suggests students of color with disabilities face exclusionary discipline pushing them into the “school-to-prison pipeline” at much higher rates than their peers without disabilities. Excessive exclusionary discipline negatively impacts classroom engagement and cohesion and increases the likelihood excluded students will be retained in grade, drop out of school, or be placed in the juvenile justice system.

Beyond the Schoolhouse: Overcoming Challenges & Expanding Opportunities for Black Youth in Los Angeles County
University of California
Examines challenges and opportunities that Black students face in Los Angeles County, exploring key academic and school climate indicators that illustrate distinct differences between Black students and students of other racial and ethnic groups.

Bilingual Testing Referral Flow Chart
Briana Wagner
Flow chart illustrates steps for determining English Only or English Learner student and for administering assessment to determine English Learner eligibility.

California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities
California Department of Education
Developed with input from teachers, administrators, and staff with experience in educating English learners and students with disabilities. Includes lists of key questions, sample forms, checklists, illustrative scenarios, tables, illustrations, frequently asked questions, and links to additional resources.

CCBD’S Position Summary on Federal Policy on Disproportionality in Special Education
Behavioral Disorders
Policy recommendations of the Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders (CCBD) regarding disproportionality in special education and the need for federal policy driving state regulations to support efforts to eliminate this outcome in schools.

Closing in On Discipline Disproportionality: We Need More Theoretical, Methodological, and Procedural Clarity
School Psychology Review
Commentary on the need to consider more deeply the contributions of applied behavior analysis assessment and intervention methods, and to distinguish more clearly the influence of race/ethnicity from the influence of culture.

Closing the School Discipline Gap in California: Signs of Progress
The Center for Civil Rights Remedies
Illustrates progress made in reducing suspension rates based on improved use of positive behavioral interventions and the introduction of culturally responsive instruction. The authors found lower district suspension rates to correlate with higher student achievement.

Context of Minority Disproportionality: Practitioner Perspectives on Special Education Referral
Teachers College Record
Based on interviews with 66 educators, the authors identify factors that may cause and maintain minority disproportionality in special education. This collection of factors suggests that successful remediation efforts will avoid simplistic or linear solutions, increase resources to address learning and behavior problems in general education, and seek methods to use data on racial disparity as a stimulus toward reflection and action.

Covid-19 and Student Learning in the United States: The Hurt Could Last a Lifetime
McKinsey & Company
Discusses research and data analyses that suggest Covid-19 shutdowns could exacerbate achievement gaps for Black, Hispanic, and low-income students.

Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners in Special Education: English Learners
NASSP Bulletin
Overview of trends and issues in both underrepresentation and overrepresentation of English learners in special education. Includes contributing factors for variability, and recommendations future research and improved practice.

Disabling Inequity: The Urgent Need for Race-Conscious Resource Remedies
The Civil Rights Project
Demonstrates that a large subgroup of students with disabilities are not getting their needs met; describes the school experiences of these students in relation to exclusionary discipline, referral to law enforcement, and chronic absenteeism; and indicates how the pandemic is exacerbating pre-existing inequitable conditions. The report concludes with recommendations for federal policymakers.

Disabling Punishment: The Need for Remedies to the Disparate Loss of Instruction Experienced by Black Students with Disabilities
The Center for Civil Rights Remedies
Analysis of current national and state data on continuing disparities in rates of punitive discipline for students with Individual Education Programs (IEPs) based on race and ethnicity. Includes recommendations for changes needed to eliminate the inequities.

Disproportionality of Latinx Students in Special Education: The Growing Need to Build Relationships
Leadership Magazine
Discusses the overrepresentation of Latinx students in special education, the root causes, pre-referral process and data collection, deficit oriented perspectives, and building relationships with student and families.

Disproportionality School Board Policy
Mt. Diablo Unified School District
Proposed Disproportionality Policy Statement for the Mount Diablo Unified School District (Concord, CA).

Disproportionate Representation
The Special Edge
Collection of articles discussing common causes of over-identification of racial/ethnic minorities in special education, and suggestions for overcoming them. Also includes list of other resources.

Diversity isn’t What Divides Us. Division is What Divides Us
Ryan Muldoon
Posits that segregation, rather than diversity, fuels polarization because segregated groups’ ideas and beliefs tend to converge into homogenous viewpoints and because group members wish to adopt the group viewpoint in order to belong. Suggests tactics for depolarizing via shared exposure to diverse viewpoints and social connections.

Equity in Special Education Placement: A School Self-Assessment Guide for Culturally Responsive Practice, Form A (Administrators)
National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems
Self-study tool that assists district teams in examining policies, procedures, and practices in general and special education to prevent disproportionality. It is ideal for school-level self-assessments and well suited for small districts.

Equity School Board Policy
Mt. Diablo Unified School District
Proposed Equity Policy Statement for the Mount Diablo Unified School District (Concord, CA).

Five-Point Intervention Approach for Enhancing Equity in School Discipline
Center on PBIS
Discusses an approach to reduce school disciplinary practices that disproportionately affect students of color.

Harnessing the Power of Age Diversity
Harvard Business Review
Applying tools often used in other diversity initiatives, authors suggest a four-part framework for embracing age diversity, along with activities for implementation.

How Nonprofits Can Incorporate Equity into Their Measurement, Evaluation, and Learning
The Bridgespan Group
Suggests methods for improving learning outcomes from surveys via choosing the right questions, engaging members of affected communities in the process, and disaggregating data to better identify issue causes and disproportionate effects. Organization examples include an urban Chicago public charter school seeking reasons for high dropout rates. Includes links to related articles.

IDEA, Positive Behavioral Supports, and School Safety
Journal of Law & Education
Analyzes the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and “positive behavioral interventions, supports, and strategies” (PBIS); suggests guidelines for applying PBIS within the framework of IDEA, especially as it applies to discipline of students covered by the Act.

Identification of Students Who Are Gifted
Mary Ruth Coleman
Discusses challenges for addressing disproportionality in gifted student programs and suggests practices to improve identification of talent in diverse populations.

Implementation: The Missing Link Between Research and Practice
The National Implementation Research Network
Explores the challenges and strategies related to implementing evidence-based treatment interventions and translating research into direct practice.

Inequitable Opportunity to Learn: Student Access to Certified and Experienced Teachers
Learning Policy Institute
Analyzing data from the U.S. Department of Education’s biannual Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) in 2014 and 2016, finds that schools with high student of color enrollment employ fewer certified teachers and have a greater percentage of inexperienced teachers.

It’s Segregation, Not Diversity, That Divides Us
University at Buffalo Department of Philosophy
Adaptation of Muldoon’s Diversity isn’t What Matters paper; highlights the key concepts regarding social group segregation’s influence on ideological polarization and social distrust.

Local Equity Action Development (LEAD)
Center for Evaluation & Education Policy
Describes a local change process, LEAD, that is grounded in cultural competence that addresses disproportionality in special education and other equity issues facing Indiana schools.

Lost Opportunities: How Disparate School Discipline Continues to Drive Differences in the Opportunity to Learn
Learning Policy Institute
Provides a comprehensive analysis of the instructional days lost due to out-of-school suspensions in 2015-16 for middle and high school students The study demonstrates how the frequent use of suspensions contributes to stark inequities in the opportunity to learn. This study will help you understand the impact on every social group and students with disabilities.

Multilevel Analysis of Statewide Disproportionality in Exclusionary Discipline and the Identification of Emotional Disturbance
Education and Urban Society
Analyzing Wisconsin state’s school discipline data, the authors found that African American students were seven times and Native American and Latino students were two times more likely to receive exclusionary discipline.

Overrepresentation in Special Education: Does the IDEA Violate the Equal Protection Clause?
Rutgers Race & Law Review
Law commentary examines whether overrepresentation in special education might, in effect, violate the equal protection clause of the U.S. Constitution.

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports Implementation Blueprint: Part 1 – Foundations and Supporting Information
OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Designed to support district leaders with implementing schoolwide positive behavior support (SWPBS) systems. Clearly defines and describes the different steps and processes.

Practical Guide for Financing Social, Emotional, and Mental Health in Schools
California Children’s Trust
Guide for school district leaders interested in exploring partnerships and accessing Medi-Cal to meet the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students in schools. Gives an overview of what school district leaders need to know about Medi-Cal billing, how to integrate Medi-Cal funded supports for students, actions school districts can take, and steps to integrate Medi-Cal into a Coordinated System of Supports.

Preventing DISPROPORTIONALITY by Strengthening District Policies and Procedures — An Assessment and Strategic Planning Process
National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems
This CDE-approved tool guides the examination of LEA practices when data suggest that serious and inappropriate disproportionate referral, identification, and placement of students who are culturally and linguistically diverse may be occurring. The rubric is ideal for mid to large size districts and supports their completion of a district-wide self-assessment and strategic planning process.

Preventing Disproportionate Representation: Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Prereferral Interventions
Teaching Exceptional Children
Practitioner brief written for parents and teachers of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students; discusses culturally and linguistically responsive prereferral interventions for preventing the disproportionate representation of CLD students in special education.

Preventing Employment Discrimination for Nationality or Immigration Status
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service
Lists prohibited employer practices during recruitment and hiring process. Includes links to related resources.

Promise of Restorative Practices to Transform Teacher-Student Relationships and Achieve Equity in School Discipline
Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation
A study of high school students found that, in classrooms with high implementation of restorative practices (RP), teachers had more positive relationships with their diverse students. The teachers also issued fewer discipline referrals to Latino and African American students compared with classrooms that had lower implementation of RP.

Quality Standards for Inclusive Schools Self-Assessment Instruments
Stetson & Associates, Inc.
Guides a review of current practices regarding inclusive education. Covers procedural standards, instructional excellence for diverse learners, collaborative partnerships, responsive staffing and scheduling, accountability, and leadership.

Racial Equity Analysis Tool
Seattle Public Schools
Set of guiding questions to determine if existing and proposed policies, budgetary decisions, programs, professional development and instructional practices are likely to close the opportunity gap for specific racial groups.

Racial Equity Impact Assessment Tool
Terry Keleher
Sample questions to use to anticipate, assess, and prevent potential adverse consequences of proposed actions on different racial groups.

Racial School Climate Gap: Within-School Disparities in Students’ Experiences of Safety, Support, and Connectedness
American Journal of Community Psychology
Analyzing survey data from California middle school student surveys, the authors found that, compared with White students, Black and Latino youth have less positive feelings of safety, connectedness, and opportunity.

Research Implications of the Objectification of Weight in the Workplace
Occupational and Organizational Psychology
Primer for researchers to conduct studies that evaluate the lived experience of larger-bodied workers. Authors use objectification theory to describe the process by which intraculturally-determined body size preferences impact how observers think about and react to larger-bodied colleagues, and how these larger-bodied colleagues internalize and cope with these judgements.

Resilience in the face of peer victimization and perceived discrimination
Child Abuse & Neglect
Study conducted in Portugal suggests potential interventions in U.S. schools to mitigate negative impact of peer victimization and discrimination. Cites studies showing association of peer aggression with “endorsement of social prejudices, namely sexism, racism, religious intolerance, and homophobia.” Authors suggest prioritizing anti-bullying programs that target social biases and recommend victim interventions.

Rethinking MTSS to Better Address Barriers to Learning
Addressing Barriers to Learning
Discusses limitations of MTSS implemented as an intervention framework and suggests steps for expanding it into a unified, comprehensive, and equitable system.

School Discipline Dilemma: A Comprehensive Review of Disparities and Alternative Approaches
Review of Educational Research
Reinforcing the commonly held scholarly perspective that inequitable school discipline practices are not the result of poverty or higher rates or intensity of behaviors, the authors review root causes of inequity and the complex changes required for remediation.

School Psychologists and the Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students
Contemporary School Psychology
Presents survey results (n=140) and implications for the effective assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse children and adolescents. Results highlight a continued need for training in selecting appropriate assessment instruments.

Six Behavioral Nudges to Reduce Bias in Hiring and Promotions
Harvard Business Review
Building on decision intelligence and evidence-based solutions, author describes six practices that could help reduce bias and increase diversity.

Start with Equity: From the Early Years to the Early Grades
Children’s Equity Project and the Bipartisan Policy Center
Reviews child equity data, research, and policy and provides recommendations for building more equitable learning systems.

Strengthening MTSS for Behavior (MTSS-B) to Promote Racial Equity
School Psychology Review
Posits that despite widespread implementation of multi-tiered systems of support for behavior (MTSS-B), evidence of racial discipline disproportionality persists. Proposes ways to strengthen MTSS-B to promote racial equity with a primary focus on supports to adults in the systems in which oppression is maintained.

Success Gaps Rubric
Designed to help any school district or school identify the root causes for success gaps. The Rubric addresses five content areas: 1) Data-based Decision-making, 2) Cultural Responsiveness, 3) Core Instructional Program, 4) Assessment – Universal Screening and Program Monitoring, and 5) Interventions and Supports. Includes a guide for completing the rubric.

Why Diversity Training Does Not Work and Policies to Combat Bias in the Workplace More Effectively
The Economist
Discusses studies showing that diversity training does not discernibly reduce discriminatory behavior, and even can make stereotypes more salient in trainees’ minds. Authors’ research finds the most effective way to disrupt biased systems is to redesign them to deliberately include underrepresented groups.

Years of Reform Efforts Contribute to Declining African-American Suspension Rates in California
Discusses reform efforts of California school districts to reduce students of color suspension rates, especially African American Students. Use of LCAP funds to develop programs and increase staff to support students is outlined.

Book iconBooks
Physical or electronic versions.

Addressing Barriers to Learning: In the Classroom and Schoolwide
Howard Adelman and Linda Taylor
Offers a variety of perspectives and tools on how to improve schools, including strategies for addressing classroom behavior and individualizing instruction.

Bad Boys: Public Schools in the Making of Black Masculinity
Ann Arnett Ferguson
Focuses on the experiences of a group of Black male students who have been labeled by school officials as disciplinary problems. Highlights how students experience schooling, the labels given to them, the expectations held about them, and the discipline they receive in school.

Colormute: Race Talk Dilemmas in an American School
Mica Pollock
Drawing on three years of ethnographic research in a California high school and district, discusses the role race plays in everyday and policy talk about topics such as discipline, achievement, curriculum reform, and educational inequality. Challenges practitioners to think about how comfortable they are speaking about race in practice and what the implications of their comfort level can be for students.

Cultural Proficiency: A Manual for School Leaders
Randall B. Lindsey, Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Raymond D. Terrell, Delores B. Lindsey
A guide for improving cultural competence in teaching, offers approaches and activities to effect change in a school and to lead a learning community toward becoming a culturally proficient organization.

English Learner Master Plan Playbook: Developing Equitable Local Education Policies for Multilingual and English Learner Students
Loyola Marymount University Center for Equity for English Learners
Provides tools for educators, families, and community members to engage in policy dialogues and development processes to support the creation of a local English Learner Master Plan for all ELLs to be socially, linguistically, and academically proficient.

Everyday Antiracism: Getting Real About Race in School
Mica Pollock
In asking countless researchers to discuss race consciousness in schools, the author creates over 64 chapters describing principles and strategies toward equity. Toward the end, she provides over twenty “everyday antiracist strategies” for educators to use as they struggle to improve systems.

Getting to Diversity: What Works and What Doesn’t
Frank Dobbin and Alexandra Kalev
Based on 30 years of data from 800 companies and manager interviews, concludes diversity training leads to little benefit. Authors suggest changes in recruitment, mentoring, and skill training systems; and mixing segregated work groups to increase diversity.

Global Migration, Diversity, and Civic Education
Banks, Suárez-Orozco, and Ben-Peretz
Researchers in multicultural education and immigration discuss issues related to cultural sustainability, structural inclusion, and social cohesion. Addresses how schools can help migrant and immigrant groups. Uses case studies from the United States and Israel to illustrate concepts.

Improving School Improvement
Howard Adelman and Linda Taylor
Offers a variety of perspectives and tools on how to improve schools. Argues for a path toward personalized instruction and special assistance.

Leading an Intergenerational Workforce
Megan Gerhardt; Josephine Nachemson-Ekwall, and Brandon Fogel
Overview of how prejudice against any generational group damages employee engagement, team dynamics, innovation, and organizational culture. Outlines tested approaches to find common values and to leverage differences for better outcomes.

Nine Mindsets for Helping Children with Autism
Temple Grandin and Debra Moore
Presents nine approaches to better evaluate and assist children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).Suggests ways to help identify and develop their strengths, and important factors in preparing teens for successful adulthood. Highlights ASD research and practical examples of the concepts.

Shattering Inequities: Real-World Wisdom for School and District Leaders
Robin Avelar La Salle and Ruth S. Johnson
Provides tools and activities for school leaders to prevent inequities in schools and classrooms. The authors focus on what is currently known about how to achieve high-quality education for all students.

School-to-Prison Pipeline: Structuring Legal Reform
Catherine Y. Kim, Daniel J. Losen, and Damon T. Hewitt
Looks at the different avenues in the schooling process that can lead to underserved and routinely disciplined students entering the prison system. Highlights the legal rights students have that may thwart some of the forces that contribute to the school to prison pipeline.

Transforming Student and Learning Supports: Developing a Unified, Comprehensive, and Equitable System
Howard Adelman and Linda Taylor
Integrates school improvement and systems change efforts with classroom supports, meaningful parent and community engagement, and neighborhood crisis intervention within an equity context.

Understanding, Dismantling, and Disrupting the Prison-to-School Pipeline
Fasching-Varner, Martin, Mitchell, Bennett-Haron, and Daneshzadeh (Eds.)
Examines the interconnected concepts of punitive school discipline and early introduction to the criminal justice system. The authors review how improved understanding and amended practices are integral to eliminating the current trajectory of students into the penal system.

Course iconCourses
Trainings via classroom, on-site, or online.

Inclusive Leadership Online Course
21-hour video course that can be viewed at no cost (requires registering with Coursera). Topics include factors of inclusion, developing inclusive leadership, signature traits of inclusive leaders, and communication with diverse individuals. (Fee required to access graded assignments.)

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support
Professional learning experiences for districts to develop an equitable MTSS framework that supports school and district leadership teams in making data-informed decisions about students’ academic, behavioral, and social emotional needs.

Using the Annotated Checklist for Addressing Racial Disproportionality in Special Education – Learning Module
Daniel Losen
First of six modules on using the Annotated Checkllist for Addressing Racial Disproportionality in Special Education. Includes link for downloading the checklist.

Webinar iconWebinars
Video recordings described as a webinar.

Addressing Disproportionality: Two Districts Share Their Journey
Keller McDonald and Linda White
West Sonoma County Union High and Corona-Norco Unified share their journey in addressing disproportionality.

Culturally Responsive Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports: A Commitment to Equity in School Culture
Nancy Dome
A 92-minute recording of a webinar presented by Dr. Nancy Dome on May 12, 2015.

Exploring Discipline and Disproportionality
Tim Fulenwider and Jon Eyler
A 78-minute recording of a webinar presented by Drs. Fulenwider and Eyler.

Ongoing Journey of Racial Equity Work: A District Story
Ammar Saheli
A 91-minute webinar presented on November 9, 2016. Below the video are links to images included in the presentation.

Preventing DISPROPORTIONALITY by Strengthening District Policies and Procedures — A webinar
Shelley Zion
62-minute recording from a 2011 webinar provides an overview of the self-assessment tool developed by the National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems (NCCRESt).

Using the “Checklist” for Addressing Racial Disproportionality in Special Education – Webinar
Daniel Losen
Provides an overview of the self-assessment tool developed by the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction.

File iconWebsites
Sites comprising a collection of resources or links to resources.

ADA National Network Publications & Videos
ADA National Network
Portal for ADA information, including fact sheets, handbooks, guides, briefs, FAQs, and videos.

Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990
This is the text of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), including changes made by the ADA Amendments Act of 2008. This document is available to help individuals understand their legal rights or responsibilities under the ADA.

Assessment Data Journey
IDEA Data Center
Tools for presenting and discussing IDEA reporting requirements as Part B Indicator 3 in the State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR), in Section 618, and reporting requirements for the Every Student Succeeds Act.

Breaking Barriers California
Breaking Barriers
A collaborative of experts that works across child health systems to improve access to services, facilitate innovation, and align the state’s vast resources around the needs of children. Includes a page with links to articles and guides of potential interest.

Building Equitable Learning Environments Network
Building Equitable Learning Environments Network
Supports innovation and implementation of equitable learning environments that are grounded in research and the science of learning and development. The BELE Framework is a guide for transforming student experiences and outcomes, integrating across learning experiences, teaching and learning, schoolwide systems and structures, family, caregiver, and community partnerships, and district and state policies.

Center for Leadership Equity and Research (CLEAR)
Center for Leadership Equity and Research
Resources “to develop and mentor leaders, address issues of inequity, and provide an opportunity for both PreK-12 and Higher Education educators to learn about and from each other.”

Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Center on PBIS
Resources to improve the capacity of state educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and schools to establish, scale-up, and sustain the PBIS framework to (a) scale up tier 2 and 3 systems to improve outcomes for students with or at-risk for disabilities, (b) enhance school climate and school safety, and (c) improve conditions for learning to promote the well-being of all students.

Council of Parent Attorneys & Advocates, Inc. v. Devos
A 2019 civil case in which the court rejected the U.S. Department of Education’s rationale for delaying implementation of IDEA regulations because “(1) the government failed to consider reasonable alternatives; and (2) the government failed to provide for meaningful participation in the rulemaking.”

California Department of Education
Data about California’s K-12 public educational system that supports a wide variety of informational, research, and policy needs. Summary and detailed data reports are available for multiple subject areas at the school, district, county, and state levels.

Disproportionality in Special Education | IDEA Part B | Module 5
Center for Parent Information & Resources
Training module covers IDEA requirements for states, districts, and schools to do to monitor for disproportionality in special education programs; what happens in a state that finds significant disproportionality in the state or in any of its districts/LEAs; and correction actions that must be taken.

Educational Equity for Women and Girls
NEA edjustice
Stories about and resources used by educators, students, and allies to promote safe, equitable learning environments.

Forum for people of color to communicate about social justice and equity in public education. The “Resources” page includes recommended books, films, articles, and websites related to educational justice.

IDEA Data Center
IDEA Data Center
Variety of useful resources, including several resources to support Local Educational Agencies as they use data to address equity issues.

IRIS Center
IRIS Center
Develops and disseminates free, online resources about evidence-based instructional and behavioral practices to support the education of all students, particularly struggling learners and those with disabilities.

National Implementation Research Network
National Implementation Research Network
Implementation Science is the basis for systems change in school districts throughout the country. The NIRN website provides readers with both breadth of understanding and depth of knowledge for using Implementation Science for organizational improvement.

Policy Services
California School Boards Association
Offers services for developing and auditing legally-mandated policies.

Uprooting Inequities in Schools
Education Week
Series of articles on Inequities in schools takes a close look at some schools and districts that are engaging in hard work of embracing the goals of equity and turning them into action steps that are benefiting students. The articles discuss that black, Hispanic or low-income students schools may not have the same advanced courses as white, more affluent peers, teachers with long track records of effective teaching or are more likely to face harsher discipline.

Film iconVideos
Video recordings not described as a webinar.

Connection Between Disproportionality and Relationships
Nancy Dome
Dr. Dome’s keynote presentation at the October 18, 2018, Equity Symposium presented by the State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project, in which she discusses the importance of strengthening relationships to provide a foundation of equity support and purpose.

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