You may quality for affordable, Home Internet if you are participating in one of the following programs:
- Child Enrolled in the NSLP (National School Lunch Program)
- CalFresh (food stamps) or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
- Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
- Medi-Cal
- Or Have a Household Income Under $40,000/year
To determine which of the Internet providers serves your area enter your zip code at this site: www.everyoneon.org/ncoe (external site, new window.) It will list your choices and you can call the companies in your area.
Printable Flyers English and Spanish PDF (new window)
Digital Resources from the California State Library (all links go to an external website in a new browser window)
All public school districts and charter schools may incorporate access to these three online content providers into their learning platforms. Any K-12 student in California may request access directly from the providers if access isn’t offered through their school.
For support with these resources contact NVUSD Library Services.
The League of Women Voters Napa County and the Napa Valley Unified Library Services have compiled free voter and civic education resources to encourage eligible students to register to vote, and to make sure they understand the importance of voting and civic engagement.
These resources can be used by teachers as supplementary content to other civics and government course work, and can also be used independently by students and their parents.
login: username = nvusd / password = grapes
All Napa County schools can use this login. Schools that want direct access via IP authentication should contact NVUSD Library Services.

Visit www.myon.com and click on “myON login”
Sign in using the single statewide shared account credentials
School Name: Gift of Literacy
Username: myon
Password: read
Select a book or news article and start reading!
login: username = 3VCJ7PE28N / password = nDAa4t&^